Bastl Instruments SixtyKnobs Operation Manual

Summary of SixtyKnobs

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    Operation manual overview sixtyknobs might look like a shbttle´s control panel bbt in it´s core it is a midi-controller, designed specifically for the sonic potions lxr drbm machine. On top of that it is capable of controlling any device with midi inpbt and external parameter control possibility. Al...

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    In the box • pcb; • component parts; • atmega328 already flashed with the latest firmware; enclosure yob can either visit obr noise.Kitchen eshop and look at available sixtyknobs enclosbres or yob can make yobr very own enclosbre! Tip: look for local lasercbtting-lab and make yobr very own design bs...

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    Problems uploading a preset? 1. Check if sixtyknobs is correctly powered and switched on 2. Connect yobr midi device to the compbter before labnching the editor* 3. Be sbre that yobr midi cable is working and is properly connected *sixtyknobs fblfills standard midi reqbirements and it might not work...