Jackson Steel BlackJack User Manual

Summary of BlackJack

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    U u u s s s e e e r r r ’ ’ ’ s s s m m m a a a n n n u u u a a a l l l b b b l l l a a a c c c k k k j j j a a a c c c k k k a a a n n n d d d b b b l l l a a a c c c k k k j j j a a a c c c k k k c c c u u u s s s t t t o o o m m m version bj-5.12.08 © jackson steel guitar company 2008.

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    Ii !"#$%&'(&)'*+%*+,& & & -. !"#$%&'(&)'*+%*+,&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&&&&//& --. 0'1%2'13&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.& &&///& ---. 4%++/*5&67&8'61&/*,+169%*+&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&.&....

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    Iii !"#$%"#&' & & i would like to personally thank you for purchasing a jackson steel guitar - what most players, from country to rock, will agree is the finest pedal steel guitar in the world. You will quickly discover that there is little comparison to the sound and design that this guitar has to ...

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    1 4%++/*5&67&8'61&-*,+169%*+& & ! ('$$'2,z&& & :. E%9'm%&+ + 1%"1&'(&+ =. O$"h%&+ ,9''+ $'hp,&'m%1&+ b. E%9'm%& + 7%3"$&1'3&*69#%1,&$'h"+%3&*%"1&+ #$"hp& +6#/*5& 9"1p,.& ! *69#%1& :.& a''p& + (61+ #8&1"/,/*5&+ ,71/*5& ",,%9#$8& +'& ,%h61%& + + "++"h & ^'61&56/+"1&/,&*'2&1%"38&+'%&+61*%3&'m%1&/*+'&7$...

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    2 )"1%&'(&+ & ()*+,#'-"&./' & ! (/*/, %/+ o$%35%®&(61*/+61%&7'$/, $/5 & 47%h/"$&*'+%&1%5"13/*5&+ & ! 1%(%11%3& +'& ",& w2%"+ %s+1%9%& +%97%1"+61%& h h +1"*,7'1+/*5&/+&(1'9&'*%&h$/9"+%&+'&"*'+ +/9%& +'& 51"36"$$8& "3j6,+& +'& + 0")' 12")3&' 4"+' 1$+' )5' .")#' 6)*+,#')4+*3'*+'2,1'2,&',753$'+*7$'+"',&...

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    3 !6*/*5&8'61&/*,+169%*+ & & !6*/*5&>6/+"1& & >5$4'+)4$1' c7%*&+6*/*5&/,&3'*%&2/+ , & & & & & & & & & & & & ' ?"%$#'@)4$1' d'2%1&+6*/*5&/,&3'*%&2/+ + + + & a,*1$&'@)4$1' e"/,%3&+6*/*5&/,&3'*%&m/"&+ + p*%%&$%m%1[&+ + & fig. 1. Key knob - used for open tuning ! Figure 1. Key head showing open tune key...

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    4 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & b+,4&,#&'b$+)5',4&'b+#*46'(,)6$1' & & & & & & & & & fig. 2.B. Nylon tuners – used for lower tuning " figure 2. Pickup end of guitar displaying nylon tuners fig. 2.A. Nylon tuners – used for raise tuning " figure 3. Standard pedal setup.

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    5 !6*/*5&2/+ & n'+&"$$&,+1/*5,&"1%&+6*%3&7%1(%h+$8&+'&7/+h ,+%%$&56/+"1.&t%&1%h'99%*3&+ & & ) & & ^'61& 56/+"1& ("h+'18.& -+& /,& h1/+/h"$& + 1"/,%,&"*3&'7%*&+6*/*5&+'%&71%h/,%&"*3&h'*,/,+%*+.&@(+%1&1%9'm/*5&'$3&,+1/*5\,][& /*,%1+& %"h 9"p/*5& ,61%& + 76$$%1.&n%m%1&"*5$%&+ ,+1/*5& "1'6*3& + *'19"$$8...

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    6 @3j6,+9%*+,&"*3&d6#1/h"+/'*& & ()*+,#'+*3+/' & ^'61& 56/+"1& $%(+& + ('12"13&+/$+[&+,&h"*%&"h%m%3&"3j6,+/*5&+ & c4$$'3$;$#1/' ' e"h +61*/*5&+ ' d4&$#9,##*,6$/' ' o%1/'3/h"$$8[&"77$8&"&,$/5 '/$]& "+& 9'm/*5& h'*+"h+& 7'/*+,.& -+& /,& '*$8& *%h%,,"18& +'& 3'& +,& '*& "*& ",a*%%3%3& #",/,.&^'6&2/$$&`...

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    7 figure 4. Undercarriage on pickup end, showing individual variable radius pulling fingers and pivot plates & -(& + + & :. D"1p&+ =. F*(",+%*&+ , b. F*$'hp&,%+&h'$$"1&'*&$'2%1&1'3&76$$%1&\(/561%,&i.#.&"*3&y.3.]&"*3&,$/3%&"2"8& (1'9&1'3&76$$%1&\(/561%,&i.".&"*3&y.#.].&& g. D'',%*&,%+,h1%2&"*3&,$/3%&...

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    8 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' figure 6. Lower return springs on key head end $ fig 6.A. Return springs % connected to lower rods figure 5. Lower rod puller and collar fig. 5.B. Lower set collar $ $ fig. 5.A. Lower rod puller fig 6.B. Spring collar connecting % r...

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    9 -$33'g#,4h' ' ! 1%,6$+/*5& /*& 7/+h %*5"5%3[& + h'**%h+%3&+'&+ & ! A&a%s&)1',,&4 a&?$"hp&a%s&?6,*5&2/+ a&e'3&o6$$%1,&\$'2%1,&"*3b'1&1"/,%]&\(/561%&y.#.]& a&o%3"$&h1"*p&"*3&7%3"$&,+'7,&\(/561%&y.H.]& a&)'$$"1&2/+ fig. 7. Bushing with setcrew (on opposite end of hex cross shafts in figure 8 below.) ...

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    10 figure 9. Raise rod puller with roller and set collar ! 9%"*/*5& 8'6& h"*& 9'm%& + 7',/+/'*.& & ) $'',%*& @$$%*& ,h1%2\,]& "*3& ,$/3%& h'$$"1\,]& \(/561%,& i.#.& "*3& y.3.]& "2"8& (1'9& %"h 1'3&76$$%1&'*&+ q]z&$'',%*&,%+,h1%2g&2'1p%$$&h1"*p&",,%9#$8&('1&,+/hp/*5&'1& & -(&*'+&9'm/*5&(1%%$8&(/1,+&6...

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    11 f$&,3'b+"51/' ' 4%++/*5& + h'*+1'$&+ ,+1/*5&/,&1"/,%3&'1&$'2%1%3&"*3&1%+61*,&+'&'7%*&7/+h + +1"m%$[&+ "+&+ & a'2&+'&,%+&o%3"$&4+'7z& :. D"p%& ,61%& "$$& 1"/,%& #"1,& "1%& 1%,+/*5& "5"/*,+& + 9"p%&,61%&"$$&$'2%1&1'3,&"1%&,%+&71'7%1$8&"5"/*,+&4$'++%3&d'2%1&?"1&\4%%& 7"5%&kw4+1/*5&o6$$%1,&"*3&e%+61*...

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    12 & & & & ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' & & ' ' fig. 10.B. Hex lock nut ! Fig. 10.A. Foot pedal stop figure 10. Pedal stop: foot ' fig. 10.C. 6-32 socket head cap screw # fig. 10.D. Adjustable travel stop figure 11 pedal stop: knee % fig. 11. Knee pedal stop (final torque stop).

  • Page 16

    13 f*9h)51' & o/hp67,&h"*%&1%9'm%3b1%7$"h%3&",&('$$'2,z& & :. \!'7& ,/3%& '(& 56/+"1]z& f,/*5& @$$%*& 21%*h 1%9'm%& + + 7/hp67&"2"8&(1'9&56/+"1.&& =. E%9'm%&7/hp67& b. -*,%1+&*%2&7/hp67&2/+ l#"4+ &'(& 56/+"1&"*3& h 0")'12")3&' i$' ,i3$'+"'13*&$' ,'k),#+$#' i$+%$$4' +2$' +"5' "l' +2$' 5*9h)5' ,4&' +2...

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    14 p' l*6)#$' mq:i:r' 9,44"+' +")92' ,4.' 7$+,3s' "+2$#%*1$t' +2$' 5*9h)5' %*33' i$' 12"#+$&'")+',4&'%*33'4"+'%"#hu & ' b. -*,%1+& "& ($"+ + $'2%1& \h$'hp2/,%].& e%7%"+& ,+%7& '*& '+ 7/hp67[&9"p%&,61%&/+&2/$$&*'+&9"p%&h'*+"h+&2/+ & g. C*h%& 3%,/1%3& ,h1%2,&,%h61/*5&1%3&"*3$"hp&2/1%,&+'&7/hp67&7',+,....

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    15 & & & & & & & & & & & & fig. 13.B. Lead wire (should ! Face front of guitar) ' fig. 13.A. Screw and washer securing pickup figure 13 tail plate showing pickup, socket head cap screw, washer and lead wire # fig. 14.A. Ground wire figure 14 underside showing screws, washers and wires connected to p...

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    16 e%(%1%*h%,& & _"hp,'*&4+%%$&>6/+"1&)'97"*8&3'%,&*'+&%*3'1,%&'1& + 1%71%,%*+"+/'*,&'(&+ 71'36h+,&'61&("h+'18& ('$$'2/*5&/,&"&$/,+&'(&+1"3%9"1p,&1%5/,+%1%3&2/+ & o$%35%®&/,&"&1%5/,+%1%3&+1"3%9"1p&'(&4.&).&_' d'+ w!6*/+67x&>6/3%&/,&"&h'781/5 &.

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    17 d/9/+%3&d/(%+/9%&t"11"*+8& & !'&71'+%h+&8'61&/*m%,+9%*+[&+,&/*,+169%*+&/,&2"11"*+%3&"5"/*,+&3%(%h+,&/*& 9"+%1/"$,&"*3&2'1p9"*,7&+'&+ !,&/*h$63%,&"$$&7"1+,[&2/+ +%"1.&0/*/, 6,%&"*3[&",&,6h 6*3%1&+,&2"11"*+8.&@*8&"*3&"$$&2"11"*+/%,[&21/++%*&'1&/97$/%3[&"1%&m'/3&/*&+ %m%*+&'(&"#6,%[&*%5$/5%*h%&'1&"$...

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    18 appendix a “tunitup”.

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