Caminetti Montegrappa LIGHT 06 Installation, Use And Maintenance Manual


Summary of LIGHT 06

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    En directions for installation use and maintenance natural convection closed fireplace t$ "3&'6-- :3&"%"/%4" 7& 5)&4&*/4536$ 5*0/4"4"/*/5&(3 "-1 "3 50' 5)&130%6$ 5t ue t 0920100440 in r ev 05 260810 serial number light series light 06.

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    Light series english foreword t$pohsbuvmbujpot po zpvs qvsdibtf pg b $bnjofuuj .Poufhsbqqb qspevdu pof pg uif cftu bwbjmbcmf po uif nbslfu t before installing and operating your appliance, read this instruction manual carefully and save it for future reference. T for any installation, electrical con...

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    Light series english 1.2.3 'vsuifsdfsujödbujpotboeqbufout we declare that the appliances light 06 in order to optimise the combustion caminetti montegrappa appliances are equipped with the “flame-distributor catalyzer”, which is, together with its functioning system, protected under patent /%7*"/# k...

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    Light series english light 06 nc nby0vuqvunjo0vuqvu 5ifsnbm0vuqvuopnjobm fódjfodz gvfm hardwood logs gvfmdpotvnqujpoqfsipvs upubmdbqbdjuzpgøvfhbtft øvfhbtufnqfsbuvsf øvfesbvhiuqsfttvsf øvfhbtftpvumfu joufsjpstfdujpopgdijnofzøvf njojnvnifjhiupgdijnofzøvf gspndpoofdujohkpjou pvutjefbjsjomfuevdut ifjhi...

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    Light series english 1.4 firewood the following paragraphs provide technical and practical information regarding the fuel used, so that the user will understand the importance that caminetti montegrappa gives to the selection and preparation of the fuel, and the correct use of the appliance, which w...

  • Page 6

    Light series english preliminary wood drying; covering the upper part of wood piles with clothes as shelf t from the rain; t cutting of the wood logs into small pieces whose length will vary to suit the user’s needs. Final wood stacking in a dry, ventilated location away from rain and humidity; air-...

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    Light series english way as to ensure that: high temperatures are reached into the fi rebox, − gases emitted in the combustion process are kept at very − high temperatures for long time, there is a su ffi cient amount of oxygen the gases emitted in − the combustion process. Compared with the past, n...

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    Light series english 1.6 safety requirements and devices 5if bqqmjbodf jt qspwjefe xjui uif gpmmpxjoh tbgfuz efwjdft t4obq dmptvsf the snap closure of the door folding into the frame when it stops and the special gaskets the door incorporates make the fi rebox totally air-tight if compared to one wi...

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    Light series english 5 4 2 3 2 1 1 x 1 6204004400 2 x 2 1184167801 3 x 1 1102047230 4 x 1 1105903309 5 x 1 0920000440 1.8 equipment 1.8.1 *otqfdujpopguifbddfttpsjftjodmvefe &ybnqmfpg -*()5.

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    Light series english 1.8.2 8juiobuvsbmbjsdpowfdujpodiboofmmjohlju (code 1530200100 optional available on price list) 12 x tcc uni 7049 3,5x9,5 uni 5448 a m5 rp uni 6592 m5 2 x 25 cm ca. 8 9 3 3 3 4 4 3 1 7 7 2 1 1 1 1 x 4 1102011000 2 x 12 1012000400 3 x 6 1509090000 4 x 3 1502010000 5 x 1 150201010...

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    Light series english 4 x tcc for uni 8118 4,2x16 1280370800 1263000300 1184966109 example of installation with not included 1 x 1263000300 (x Ø 15 cm) 1 x 1184966109 1 x 1280370800 25 cm ca. 2 1 1 x 1 1189101401 2 x 4 1012010000 3 x 2 1509090000 4 x 1 1502090100 5 x 1 1505990009 6 x 1 1263001100 6 5...

  • Page 12: 1530500000

    Light series english a 1 h 25 cm ca. 9 a b 4 x tspc uni 7050 2,9x9,5 1 1 x 1 1530500000 2 x 1 1530500300 2 x 4 1012007300 x 1 1530500200 x 1 1530500100 light 06 170 cm* 72 cm 120 cm 48 cm mod. A b a 1 h * +10 cm with cod. 1530901000 +20 cm with cod. 1530901000 + cod. 1530902000 1530500000 (light 06)...

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    Light series english &mfdusjdbmtmjejohnpupslju 1.8.6 (code 1530901000 optional available on price list) 25 cm c a. 4 x tcc uni 7049 4,2x13 25 cm ca. 15,5 cm ca. 1 x 1 x right-hand side automatic sliding system beep tone appliance mod. Left/right-hand side off off* * see section 2.3.5. Programming of...

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    Light series english 5sbtnjttjpoljugpsfmfdusjdbmtmjejohnfdibojtnvt 1.8.7 (code 1530902000 optional available on price list) 25 cm c a. 5 x tcc uni 7049 4,2x13 right-hand side left-hand side provide for a lateral door 20x16 cm or frontal 16x16 cm 25 cm ca. - 86 cm c a. - 86 cm ca. 4,5 cm ca. 15,5 c m...

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    Light series english 1.9 functioning principle 5ijt bqqmjbodf ibt cffo eftjhofe up bdijfwf uif ijhiftu fódjfodz xjui b mpx rvboujuz pg gvfm uibolt up b iøbnf ejtusjcvupsdbubmz[fsw boe b $bnjofuuj .Poufhsbqqbt qbufoufedpncvtujpotztufn tfftfdujpo the shape and the keram fi re® lining of the combustion...

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    Light series english 2.3.1 .Bljohbqqmjbodfmjhiufsjopsefs upgbdjmjubufiboemjoh if the appliance needs to be installed in locations with limited access (for example, in upper fl oors or basements, and thus accessible only through stairways), it is possible to lighten the appliance by removing the cmte...

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    Light series english 2.3.3 "qqmjbodf1ptjujpojoh t first try your appliance in place in order to determine where to make the connection between the appliance and the chimney fl ue; t determine the position of the outside air intakes and provide the insulation on the adjacent walls; t remove the appli...

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    Light series english 2.3.5 *otubmmbujpopguiffmfdusjdbm tmjejohnpupslju the “electrical sliding motor kit” (code 1530901000 optional, available on price list) to control the opening of the sliding door with radio control is reversible and can be installed both on the right-hand and on the left-hand s...

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    Light series english $poöhvsbujpo this procedure is to be carried out only the fi rst time to con fi gurate the radio control with the electrical sliding motor. To con fi gurate the radio control with the electrical motor of the sliding door proceed as follows: feed the electrical motor through the ...

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    Light series english 1 3 1 3 r s s 2 2 4 r s s m 5 r s m if necessary, it is possible to lower the “electrical sliding motor kit” approx. 86 cm, using the “transmission kit for electrical sliding mechanismus” (code 1530902000 optional, available on price list) as follows: − the transmission kit [r] ...

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    Light series english 2.3.6 0vutjefbjsjoublft $potvmuuifqjduvsftjotfdujpotboe dbsfgvmmz the standards currently in force require that all appliances be equipped with pipes of adequate dimensions to admit into the fi rebox an outside air fl ow ensuring an e ffi cient and complete combustion of wood. F...

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    Light series english 2.3.7 $poofdujpoupuifdijnofzøvf for the connection of the unit to the chimney fl ue, use only non-combustible elements suitable to resist to the combustion products and to the condensate (creosote) build-up. 5ifvtfpgöcspdfnfouboebmvnjojvnøfyjcmfqjqft gps dpoofdujoh uif bqqmjbodf...

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    Light series english 2.3.9 $ijnofzdbq the good draught of the chimney fl ue also depends on the type of terminal covering the top of the chimney, which must comply with the following requirements: t have the same inner section as that of the chimney fl ue; t its usable section at the outlet must not...

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    Light series english 2.3.10 *otvmbujpo 1spqfs jotvmbujpo cfuxffo zpvs bqqmjbodf boe uif bekbdfou xbmmt boe uif dfjmjoh tibmm cf qspwjefe xjui uif vtf pg fódjfoumz jotvmbujoh qbofmt ibwjoh uif gpmmpxjoh dibsbdufsjtujdt 3pdlxppmuzqf t 5ijdlofttdn t %fotjuzlhdvn t 'jsfsftjtubou t a 2 cm. Minimum cleara...

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    Light series english 2.3.12 $mbeejoh*otubmmbujpo 8"3/*/( %vsjoh uif gpmmpxjoh npvoujoh xpsl gps uif dmbeejoh uif bqqmjbodf nvtu cf ejtdpoofdufe gspnfmfdusjdbmqpxfs txjudipò *.1035"/5*guifdmbeejohxbtopunbovgbduvsfecz $bnjofuuj .Poufhsbqqb cvu jt jotufbe qsfqbsfe po tjufczuifvtfsjujtofdfttbszupqspwjef...

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    Light series english 2.3.14 8bsnbjsejtusjcvujpo 8"3/*/(8ijmfjotubmmjohuifxbsnbjsejtusjcvujpotztufnuifbqqmjbodfnvtusfnbjoejtdpoofdufegspnfmfdusjdbm qpxfs 1. When building the fi nishing mantle or drywall panel in plasterboard, make an opening of 82,5x9,5 cm, 200 cm o ff the fl oor. Insert the two uni...

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    Light series english 3. Put a hand in the central part of the long hopper [d] and get hold of the two unions [a] and: - insert the threaded pin [a1] of the union [a] in the hole of Ø 5 mm [d1] of the long hopper [d], then first insert the washer [e] and then screw the winged nut m5 slightly [f]; - c...

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    Light series english 3.1 pre- and fi rst-lighting instructions before lighting the appliance for the fi rst time the following must be provided: remove the sticker from the glass and any adhesive marks if t necessary; t ensure that all safety requirements are met (see sections 1.5 and 1.6); "55&/5*0...

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    Light series english ösfcpy boe opu uispxo po ju tp bt up bwpje ebnbhjoh ps csfbljohuif$.Ufdi™mjojoh 8"3/*/( /fwfs vtf øbnnbcmf mjrvjet bmdpipm ps qfuspm up tqffe vq uif mjhiujoh pg b xppe ösf ju jt fyusfnfmz ebohfspvt "mdpipm boe qfuspm sfmfbtf ijhimz øbnnbcmf wbqpvst xijdi dpvme qspwplf uif sjtlpg...

  • Page 30

    Light series english 4.1 routine inspection and cleaning do not forget that performing the following routine inspection and cleaning will ensure your appliance e ffi ciency and proper operation for a long time. 8"3/*/( "mm dmfbojoh pg uif wbsjpvt qbsut nvtu cf epof xifo uif bqqmjbodf jt dpnqmfufmz d...

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    Light series english 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a a b b 2 4.2 supplementary inspection and cleaning we recommend that the appliance and the chimney fl ue be thoroughly cleaned at least once a year. When the draught is too little, or when unsuitable wood is used, a more frequent cle...

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    Light series english 4.2.2 $mfbojohpgdijnofzøvf even with the best appliances and chimneys the formation of creosote deposits is unavoidable. Therefore it is necessary to clean the chimney and the vertical venting pipes regularly in order to avoid or reduce them. Cleaning is recommended at least onc...

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    Light series english 5.2 servicing record signature of servicing staff date service description / / signature of servicing staff date service description / / signature of servicing staff date service description / / signature of servicing staff date service description / / signature of servicing sta...

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    Ate without notice and assumes no responsibility for any possible mistake or inaccurancy in this brochure. The reproduction in whole or in part of the photographs, drawings or texts is forbidden. Infringements will be punished by law. Data and measurements are provided purely as an indication. The c...